Verifying ID
just got easier

Midy offers a safe, secure, and private way to validate your profile — putting you in control of your online identity.

You verified your ID! Your document information has now been encrypted and securely stored in Midy, and only you can choose who you share it with.
Proof of Valid ID. You hold a valid USA Government ID.

Secure document

Midy lets you effortlessly and safely digitize and encrypt your identity documents and store them in a private smart wallet on your phone.

These verified credentials are kept securely in the Midy app and never shared with anyone — without your permission.  

Man verifies his ID on his phone using Midy

biometric security

Midy uses real-time facial recognition technology to validate your identity and ensure only you can gain access to your accounts — helping keep your data safe and giving you peace of mind.

Learn more about how Midy works

An Introduction
to Midy

Download whitepaper

Try Midy for free and discover a new way to be yourself online

Try Midy for free and take control of your identity online.